my Story
ready for a Paradigm shift?
Greeting Dear Patron.
My name is Yos, the owner and facilitator of TheraPhi Sedona . Heres the very short version of my story.
Energy Medicine and Life Style:
I am a hands on bliss educator and energy medicine practitioner. I am certified by the American Polarity Association and Yoga Alliance. I am also an Alternative Health Counselor certified by Creative Health Institute, a school that uses Dr Ann Wigmore’s protocol. See my reviews on Google and Facebook.
DNA Memories and Encounters
I had a very lucid vivid dream when I was 24 after 36 hours of no sleep. I was walking on an open field with rolling hills and all of a sudden, I realized I was in a dream. I willed myself to fly and then I shot up onto the sky and saw a lot of pyramids which were all shiny with metallic surfaces.
I then found Viking Lemurian Norman Paulsen, Sen Sai Hiroshi Motoyama , Gurji Shailendra Sharma & Lincoln Gergar I am very grateful to be in these teacher's present.
I also got very interested in Pyramids. Discovered the works of C.H. Harvey. I had one of the top three epic bliss experience while practicing the Pyramid text technique in a dark room in a metal frame pyramid. My conscious was passing through a tunnel and my heart was jumping out of my mouth. Then my body was floating on top of my physical body and a lightening is charging me from my crown chakra and my body is pulsing with very intense bliss. I met C.H. Harvey in person. Later on I discover the book Initiation by Elisabeth Haich and finish it in one sitting. I probably have some DNA memory activated from my Atlantean Eyptian Encounter.
Fast forward, I find Dan Winter and his work by looking into his invention THE IMPLODER. I got to experience TheraPhi and see an ancient advanced tech has been brought back to life by Dan Winter and Paul Harris. During my first session of TheraPhi, my chronic left groin pain was gone. It was a miracle and magical to me.
Then I had an accident. I was hit by a car while crossing the street on the pedestrian crosswalk with the green light telling me to cross. It was very a very shocking experience. This event made me review my life and my path. I decide to start a new venture and start TheraPhi Sedona. I enjoy it very much and bring much bliss, joy, and happiness to myself, my partners & my patrons. We invite you to experience this rediscovered ancient Tech and other services we offer.
Thanks for your patronage.
In Service of Love, Bliss, Joy and Ecstasy